
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

David Rainer
Associate Vice Chancellor, Environmental Health and Public Safety

Subject: Colonial Petroleum Pipeline Accident
Date: November 2, 2016

Colonial Petroleum Pipeline Accident

DATE: November 2, 2016

Given the potential fuel supply shortage due to the October 31st accident involving a Colonial Pipeline in Alabama, Facilities Operation’s Fleet Services and Environmental Health and Public Safety’s Emergency Management & Mission Continuity Department are asking that non-emergency personnel consider limiting their fuel consumption in State vehicles over the next few weeks. Priority for filling vehicles should be given to University Police, the Fire Marshal’s Office and Facilities Operations, while others should only fill vehicles once their tanks reach 1/4 tank or less. Carpooling and other conservation practices while working on campus, such as walking or riding the WolfLine, are also encouraged until regional fuel supplies recover from this disruption.

These planning efforts will help, should mandatory rationing measures be implemented in response to lower fuel supplies.

NC State Emergency Management and Mission Continuity will continue to monitor state and county emergency management agency recommendations and will update campus stakeholders as conditions warrant.

cc:  Scott R. Douglass, Vice Chancellor, Office of Finance and Administration