
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

Eileen Goldgeier
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel

Subject: Updates to Policies, Regulations and Rules (PRRs)
Date: August 22, 2017

For fiscal year ending 2016-2017 to date, twenty PRRs were revised, three new regulations and one new rule were enacted, and nine regulations were repealed. The following list highlights the most significant revisions affecting multiple campus-wide constituents.  All revisions made to any PRR can be tracked and viewed under the “What’s New” section of the PRR website as well as the “Policies Recently Enacted” website.

BOT Bylaws (POL 01.05.01) – The Bylaws policy was revised to reflect changes in State law regarding appointment of Trustees; to reflect current practices of sending information to Trustees by electronic means, rather than by mailing; and for clarification purposes.

Code of Student Conduct (POL 11.35.01) – Pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct Section 13.2, the Office of Student Conduct (OSC) shall review the Code every three years in consultation with other campus units. The revisions included clarifications on the scope of the Code, providing more flexibility to the OSC regarding sanctions, returning authority over the code to the Division of Academic and Student Affairs, updating definitions to be consistent with other PRRs and best practices, and various technical amendments.

Parking and Transportation Ordinance (POL 07.60.01) – Revised to make several administrative changes.

Review of Academic Department Heads/Chairs (REG 05.50.03) – This regulation was revised to be consistent with other regulations for academic leadership reviews.  Specifically, when a department head review may be waived or delayed and expand those included in the report of outcomes to the department.

Professorships of Distinction (REG 05.20.17) – This regulation was revised to add a new section 2.5.2 for improved clarity as well as a minor edit in section 2.5.1.

Postdoctoral Scholars (REG 10.10.08) – Revised section 5 of this regulation as pertains to minimum salary requirements in order to adapt to changing FLSA requirements. Additional changes to the regulation reflect organizational changes.

Additional Compensation Paid through the University (REG 05.58.01) – In response to internal audit and information received from federal agencies, this regulation was revised to clarify the methods  for calculation of summer salary limits from external sources for faculty on 9-month appointments and the need for a written management plan in some instances.

Antivirus Software Requirement (REG 08.00.10) – This regulation was revised to remove references to the University providing site-licensed antivirus software.

Campus/Workplace Violence Prevention and Management (REG 04.05.02) – This regulation was revised to reflect the elimination of the business continuity group and corresponding REG 04.00.07 and consolidation of activity into the Emergency Management and Mission Continuity Group. The regulation was reorganized and has some definition changes, but most importantly requires reporting of protective orders to police (if for example one spouse has a protective order against another that would prohibit one spouse from coming to campus).

Delegations of Authority to Sign Contracts (REG 01.20.02) – This regulation was revised to update job titles, clarify existing delegations, reflect changes to state law and the UNC Policy Manual, and provide better internal organization within the regulation to make it more user-friendly (e.g., grouping the various delegations to execute facility use agreements together in one section). More substantive revisions within the regulation are as follows:

  • Section 4.5.2 – sub-delegate signature authority for extension service agreements below $50,000 from the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost to the directors of Centers, Institutes, and Service Centers
  • Section – expand the existing sub-delegation of signature authority to the Vice Chancellor and General Counsel to include agreements to retain litigation consultants and expert witnesses
  • Section – add a new sub-delegation of signature authority for visiting scientist agreements to the Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation and Economic Development and the Director of Research Compliance

Outdoor Assemblies, Events and Public Addresses (REG 11.55.02) – The regulation was revised to combine with REG 07.25.11, Use of University Facilities, and renamed “Use of University Space”.  The combined regulation will govern, control, and set the framework for the use of space by University groups, students, student groups, and non-university groups at NC State. The revision also includes: (1) when reservations for space are required, the priority for use, and the process for groups to reserve space at the university; (2) sets forth the content and viewpoint neutral restrictions with which any use of space must comply; (3) allows for the use of space without reservation for what the regulation defines as “unscheduled use”, or in reaction to a public event; (4) Allows for the use of space without reservation for small gatherings (less than 25 individuals) of students or University employees; (5) Moves the additional requirements for reserving certain University spaces (e.g. Memorial Belltower, Centennial Campus, etc.) to an accompanying Appendix; and (6) updated to reflect current practice and procedures.

Operation of Unmanned Aircraft System (REG 10.10.09) – Based on the new federal and state regulations in regards to the operation of Unmanned Aerial Systems, section 4.2 of this regulation was revised.

Open Meetings (NEW REG 04.00.03) – This new regulation was established to follow the requirements of the NC Open Meetings Act.

Trespassing on University Property (REG 04.05.01) – The Division of Environmental Health and Public Safety revised this regulation to clarify the grounds for which an individual may be trespassed by the university, to update the procedures to reflect current practices, and revise the appeals process to allow the Associate Vice Chancellor for Environmental Health and Public Safety the discretion as to when to hold a hearing.

ICT Accessibility (REG 04.25.05) – This regulation was revised to clarify wording to support accessibility practices at the university, and to incorporate an Equally Effective Alternative Access Plan (EEAAP) when ICT resources that are not fully accessible are used to support proactive accessibility.

Purchase Card (REG 07.45.05) – This regulation was revised as a result of an internal audit.

Equipment Acquisition, Management, Transfer and Loans (NEW REG 10.05.16) – The new regulation was established to combine and replace regulations 10.10.02 (Equipment Transfer and Loans) and 10.05.04 (Equipment Acquisition and Management).

Finance and Administration reviewed business practices and repealed the following regulations that duplicate procedures:

Transfers of Funds (REG 07.30.01)

Receipt Centers – Operation and Use (REG 07.30.03)

Receipt Centers – Request for Authorization (REG 07.30.04)

University Billings – Interdepartmental Transfer (REG 07.30.05)

University Billings – Service Unit Billing (REG 07.30.06)

University Billings – University Invoices (REG 07.30.07)

Capital Assets – Retirement (REG07.30.16)

Capital Assets – Responsibilities (REG 07.30.15)

Capital Assets – Storage of Equipment (REG 07.30.17)

Financial Aid – Eligibility for Continued Receipt of Financial Aid (REG 02.70.02) – This regulation was revised based on guidance issued by the U.S. Department of Education regarding satisfactory academic progress requirements for federal financial aid recipients. That guidance requires updates to our Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial Aid Eligibility. This regulation update will ensure the University will meet the required federal compliance standards. Revisions also included adding a reference to the undergraduate suspension and readmission policies.

Progress Towards Undergraduate Degree (REG 02.05.03) – This regulation was revised to include more explicit language that explains which grades count or do not count toward SAP, and to explain that transfer credits counted toward degree are included in the 150% rule count.  Recent audits of other UNC System schools suggest these items should be explicitly state in the SAP policy.

Student Discipline Procedures (REG 11.35.02) – The revisions reflect updates to the associated Policy (Code of Student Conduct) and other miscellaneous updates. The review and proposed revisions include clarifications on the scope of the Code, updates to definitions to be consistent with other PRRs and best practices, updates to the procedures surrounding incidents involving sexual misconduct, providing more flexibility to the Office of Student Conduct regarding sanctions, returning authority over the code to the Division of Academic and Student Affairs, and various technical amendments.

Student International Travel and Approval of Study Abroad (NEW REG 02.55.01) – In order to encourage further growth in both the scope and variety of NC State’s international engagement in a safe and compliant manner, it is important that faculty, staff, and students take advantage of NC State’s institutional resources to support education abroad.  Furthermore, as the University’s global engagement continues to increase, it is important to centralize the efforts in the coordination of these international programs, particularly for liability and risk management purposes.  Therefore, the purpose of this new regulation is to designate the Study Abroad Office (SAO) as the coordinator for all NC State study abroad programs and activities, and to designate the SAO as responsible for tracking all University affiliated student international travel.

Withdrawal from the University (REG 02.05.04) – This regulation was revised to minimize the University Counseling Center’s role in routine student withdrawals.  Prior to this revision, all student withdrawal requests were initiated through the Counseling Center.  Contact information for this regulation has been changed from the Counseling Center to Registration and Records.  With this revision the withdrawal process will be managed as an electronic workflow process initiated by the student within SIS. This revision also allows for an appeal process that will be managed within DASA.

Service and Assistance Animals in University-Owned Housing Facilities (NEW RUL 11.30.07) – The Divisions of Academic and Student Affairs created this procedure for requesting and maintaining service and assistance animals in University-owned housing facilities, as well as set forth the owner responsibilities and guidelines for keeping the animals in these facilities.

Please note that NC State’s PRRs should be reviewed on a periodic basis by the responsible senior officer to ensure relevancy, compliance with current laws, effectiveness, clarification and consistency.


3D Memo Information

Subject Updates to Policies, Regulations and Rules (PRRs)

Eileen Goldgeier
Vice Chancellor and General Counsel

Fiscal Year
Effective Date August 22, 2017
Category Governance and Administration