
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Marc Hoit
Vice Chancellor and CIO, Office of Information Technology

Alyson Wilson
Interim Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation

Subject: University Continuity Planning Updates and Annual Review
Date: August 27, 2024

NC State recently updated its Emergency Operations Plan, the Central document guiding university operations during emergencies, disasters, and disruptions. The University Continuity and IT Disaster Recovery Reg 04.00.07 has also been revised to integrate research, academic, IT, mission, and business continuity needs. Unit, college, and department-specific emergency preparedness and continuity plans, known collectively as Pack Ready Plans, are crucial elements of this formal planning effort. These plans ensure the university is well-prepared for potential emergencies and disruptions.

Managed by NC State’s Emergency Management and Mission Continuity (EMMC) department, both the Emergency Operations Plan and Pack Ready Plans apply to all academic units, departments, and critical services. Academic continuity plans are supported by the Office of the Provost, Office for Faculty Excellence; Research Continuity Plans by the Office of Research and Innovation; and IT Disaster Recovery Plans by the Office of Information Technology.

These plans require annual review to maintain up-to-date documentation of organizational structure, critical processes, emergency contacts, and mandatory personnel. This process incorporates IT infrastructure and flexible work policies into campus resiliency planning as well.

Each plan contributes to NC State’s comprehensive risk assessment and enterprise risk management efforts. Completed plans undergo testing and must be signed by department heads or other designated offices. Any delays in plan completion are escalated to the Emergency Planning and Mission Continuity Steering Committee for resolution.

We appreciate your continued participation and partnership in resiliency planning efforts. Should you have any questions regarding preparedness and continuity, please view the Pack Ready website for resources or contact Amy Orders, Senior Director, Emergency Preparedness and Strategic Initiatives (, 919.515.5208).

cc:   W. Randolph Woodson, Chancellor

Tim Danielson, Associate Vice Chancellor, University Human Resources

Amy Orders, Senior Director, Emergency Preparedness and Strategic Initiatives

3D Memo Information

Subject University Continuity Planning Updates and Annual Review

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Executive Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Marc Hoit
Vice Chancellor and CIO, Office of Information Technology

Alyson Wilson
Interim Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation

Fiscal Year
Effective Date August 27, 2024
Category Governance and Administration