
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Mladen Vouk
Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation

Subject: Campus Development Committee
Date: October 27, 2023

As outlined in our Strategic Plan, NC State is committed to responsible stewardship of university land, buildings and space. The Campus Development Committee will utilize the process laid out in the Physical Master Plan to ensure that transformative projects are prioritized, input is inclusive, strategic criteria are used, and reporting on results is transparent.

The Campus Development Process guides high-impact construction, renovation and infrastructure projects with budgets greater than $4 million and calls for collaboration across colleges, divisions, disciplines and perspectives. Engaged campus stakeholders should prepare for their participation by completing the Physical Master Plan Orientation.

The Campus Development Committee, which includes the scope of the former University Space Committee, will be informed by two subcommittees: the Campus Planning Subcommittee and the Project Execution Subcommittee. These subcommittees are responsible for developing a clear narrative defining campus needs and ensuring that each project achieves the goals set forth by the Campus Development Committee.

The Campus Development Committee will begin its work immediately. We look forward to campus-wide participation in the future development of this great institution.

cc:        Campus Planning Subcommittee

Project Execution Subcommittee

3D Memo Information

Subject Campus Development Committee

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Vice Chancellor, Finance and Administration

Mladen Vouk
Vice Chancellor, Research and Innovation

Fiscal Year
Effective Date October 27, 2023
Category Academic Affairs