
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Mary Peloquin-Dodd
Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Subject: Campus Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions Notification Procedure
Date: December 7, 2018

This serves as a general reminder about the notification processes for adverse weather and other emergency conditions. If weather conditions deteriorate or an emergency condition exists to the point where it may become necessary to cancel classes, open late, or close the university, the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration will make a recommendation to the Chancellor and Provost.

The University will operate normally unless one of the following statuses is publicly announced (The Chancellor or Provost has institutional delegated authority to declare a Condition 1 or Condition 2 adverse weather event. Only the University System President can declare a Condition 3 after the adverse weather or other emergency event):

  • Condition 1 (Reduced Operations/Classes are in Session):
    An event has significant potential to or is already negatively impacting local area commuting, important campus services, or the efficient functioning of campus buildings and grounds.

    • Mandatory employees must report to or remain at work. Remote work is permissible depending upon the nature of the employee’s job and with prior supervisor approval.
    • Non-mandatory employees may use their discretion to leave early, arrive late, or not report to work with timely notice to their supervisor. Non-mandatory employees must use available leave for work time missed unless the supervisor authorized remote work arrangements or granted permission to make up the time.
  • Condition 2 (Suspended Operations/Classes are Cancelled):
    Safety risks or logistical challenges are more severe and there is a substantial interest to have a relatively limited number of individuals travel to or remain at the university.

    • Mandatory employees must report to work. Remote work is permissible depending upon the nature of the employee’s job and with prior supervisor approval.
    • Non-mandatory employees must leave or not report to work and must use available leave for work time missed unless the supervisor authorized remote work arrangements, or granted permission to make up the time.
  • Condition 3 (Closure/Classes are Cancelled):
    Closure is limited to events that pose the most severe risks to health and safety or present the most difficult logistical challenges that will severely impede the efficient and effective functioning of the university.

    • Mandatory employees must report to or remain at work. Remote work is permissible depending upon the nature of the employee’s job and with prior supervisor approval.
    • Non-mandatory employees must not report to work and shall not be required to use leave or make-up any work time missed unless the duration of the event necessitates a differing decision with approval of the President.

Emergency Conditions Notification Procedure
The Chief Communications Officer will communicate the campus condition/status decision to the media for dissemination. In addition, university officials will send a broadcast e-mail message to all students, faculty and staff. Public announcements about closings or late openings applicable to other State agencies, or to other State employees, do not apply to NC State University or its employees.

Questions and Information
During adverse weather or other emergency conditions, the status of the university is announced on the Adverse Weather or Other Emergency Conditions Hotline (919-513-8888) and on the university’s website,

Policy and payroll time reporting questions should be directed to the HR Benefits Office at 919-515-2151 or at The complete Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions Policy can be found at

Any questions concerning the status of parking lots, streets, sidewalks, public transit routes and building access may be directed to the Grounds Weather Event Desk at 919-515-9422.

Snow Removal Priorities
Priorities have been established as a part of the university’s inclement weather procedure. They were developed using a “worst case” situation for providing access to the campus streets, parking lots, walkways and buildings. Primary streets, entrances, walk, and parking areas have been prioritized.

Continuation of Adverse Weather or Other Emergency Conditions Procedures
Throughout periods of adverse weather or other emergency conditions, the above procedures will be followed on a daily basis until it is no longer necessary to alter the university’s schedule.

3D Memo Information

Subject Campus Adverse Weather and Other Emergency Conditions Notification Procedure

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Mary Peloquin-Dodd
Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Fiscal Year
Effective Date December 7, 2018
Category Academic Affairs