
To: Deans, Directors, and Department Heads

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Marc Hoit
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO

Subject: University Data and Analytics
Date: May 17, 2024

In an effort to thoughtfully and deliberately organize how university data and analytics assets and resources are developed, managed, and utilized, NC State is establishing a new University Data and Analytics (UDA) unit within Institutional Strategy and Analysis (ISA). This new unit is part of a broader strategy to recognize data and analytics as a university business function critical to university planning, management, decision-making, and accountability. The UDA unit, working in collaboration with campus partners such as Office of Finance and Administration and with the Office of Information Technology leading the areas of cybersecurity and IT infrastructure, puts the university in the best position to elevate and modernize its data and analytics resources and capabilities and to improve the overall effectiveness and value of data and analytics at NC State.

The new UDA unit will have primary university-level responsibility for Institutional Analytics, Analytics Enablement, and Data Governance. It will be led by Assistant Vice Provost for Institutional Analytics and Data Governance McKinney Austin, who has been working with Senior Vice Provost for Institutional Strategy and Analysis Margery Overton to build ISA’s capacity for the new unit and its responsibilities. Additional staff from ISA are also being transitioned to support the UDA unit.

Along with the establishment of the UDA unit, the university is also clarifying roles, responsibilities, and operating models for the distinct activities within its broader data and analytics functions of Institutional Analytics, Analytics Enablement, and Data Governance. While each of these areas has its own distinct organization, all three will be overseen by an Executive Steering Group that includes the Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (chair), the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost, the Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation.

For additional information on the new University Data and Analytics unit’s role and the Institutional Analytics, Analytics Enablement, and Data Governance operation models, please visit

Thank you for supporting this important initiative.

cc: W. Randolph Woodson, Chancellor

3D Memo Information

Subject University Data and Analytics

Warwick A. Arden
Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost

Charles A. Maimone
Executive Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration

Marc Hoit
Vice Chancellor for Information Technology and CIO

Fiscal Year
Effective Date May 17, 2024
Category Academic Affairs